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This document covers how to use HouseCurve for tuning audio systems. For basic usage information see how to use HouseCurve.

The process for tuning an audio system will generally involve the tasks described below. For audio systems with separately adjustable speakers, such as a 2.1 system (left, right, subwoofer), all the steps below should be performed. If you have a simple 2.0 audio system (just a left and right speaker), you can skip to choosing a target curve and applying equalization. It may be necessary to experiment with different adjustments and to iterate over these steps a few times.

  1. Match speaker levels. The speakers of the audio system should be playing at roughly the same volume level in the listening area. This is done to ensure measurements will reflect the whole audio system and also to avoid using equalization to correct level differences.

  2. Choose crossover frequencies. Crossover frequencies are used to define regions of responsibility for speakers. This is important when using speakers that have a limited frequency range, such as a subwoofer.

  3. Time align speakers. When two speakers produce the same sound, time alignment ensures the sound arrives at the listening area at the same time. When speakers are not time aligned, they will interfere with each other in ways that cannot be corrected by equalization.

  4. Choose a target curve. The target curve defines how the audio system will sound. The choice of curve is subject to personal taste.

  5. Apply equalization. Equalization / Room Correction means adjusting the volume level at different frequencies to match the target curve.

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